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雷竞技(RAYBET):iPone 5S颜色有偏爱 土豪金销售一空

发布日期:2024-10-18 18:36浏览次数:
本文摘要:Early buyers of the iPhone 5S, which went on sale Friday morning, appear to be overwhelmingly choosing the gold-colored model over the two other color options.苹果新品iPhone 5S 上周五上市出售,同其他两款颜色比起,土豪金色的iPhone 5S受到消费者的如潮欢迎。

Early buyers of the iPhone 5S, which went on sale Friday morning, appear to be overwhelmingly choosing the gold-colored model over the two other color options.苹果新品iPhone 5S 上周五上市出售,同其他两款颜色比起,土豪金色的iPhone 5S受到消费者的如潮欢迎。In China, the iPhone 5S has been available for preorder since Tuesday. Chinese news outlets reported that retailers have already sold all of the gold iPhone 5S models they had in stock. Gold is a wildly popular color in China and India, countries where Apple is hoping to capture a larger slice of the smartphone market.在中国,iPhone 5S 从上周二起之后可拒绝接受预计。

中国新闻媒体报道称之为,零售商家库存的金色iPhone早已全部售罄。金色在中国和印度都很热门,苹果公司也期望能在这两国智能手机的市场份额上独占鳌头。Gold is a popular choice in many markets, particularly in Asia where Apple has a stated goal of growth, said Massimiliano Pogliani, CEO of luxury phone company Vertu, in a recent e-mail to CNN. Gold is a colour that is always in demand, whether for jewelry, watches or fashion.Vertu 奢侈手机公司首席执行官Massimiliano Pogliani在最近寄给CNN的邮件中说:“金色手机在许多国家都十分热门,特别是在是在亚洲,苹果公司在该区域的业绩也稳步增长。

无论是珠宝、手表还是时装,我们总能看到金色的款式。”The iPhone 5S went on sale Friday in 11 countries and territories along with the iPhone 5C, a cheaper, plastic-encased model that comes in five bright colors. The higher-end 5S has and upgraded camera, faster processor and a new fingerprint sensor for improved security.iPhone 5S在上周周五11个国家和地区实时发售,一起上市的还有较廉价的iPhone 5C,塑料壳纸盒,共计5种颜色。更加高端的5S备有Ultra照相机、更加快捷的处理器和提高隐私安全性的新式指纹感应器识别系统。Apple could be facing tight supplies of the iPhone 5S. According to the sources from U.S. carriers are reporting that their stock of the phones is limited. According to All Things D, ATT will reserve the gold and silver models for its online sales.苹果公司有可能将面临iPhone 5S供不应求的紧绷局面。

据“美国裁缝”消息人士透漏,苹果公司的手机库存受限,而All Things D 则称之为ATT不会容许金色及银色手机的在线网购数量。



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